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Early Adopter
Someone opened a web page to snoot game on my phone when I was drunk. I was just going to close the tab, since it just looked like some furry game, but then I watched a documentary talking about it. I'm going to take a look at that after I'm done with my current game.
Punished McGee

A fallen legend
I respect snoot game for brilliantly executing a liquid cris' trolling technique. It's one thing for an IP to have an imposter. Complete another to see it winning.
Background Pony #7DA6
does anyone struggle immensely with specifically the snoot on a pony? I can never get it to look right or be the right shape. how the FUCK do you do it
Punished McGee

A fallen legend
Can ponerpics please make a policy that delists art that lacks the artistic merit?

That includes:

-low res captions from the show with added text

-crude abominations that will give chris-chan a run for his money

-photos of pony plushie with cum on it

-all of my art
Background Pony #43B7
Easier to just report here then report 30 images. Just check under ponybooru imports and see the chaos
Background Pony #5632
@Background Pony #2787
And Shrek the guewst star will be played by Keith Urban this masterpiecial film will get 3000 Grammy awards, 2 sequels, and a TV show which will run from 2029-2034.
Background Pony #2787
Look at my new Alternative Universe story:
Paw Patrol Meets My Little Pony: The Battle For Harmony
The movie will be released on December 23, 2028, starring:
James Marsden as Rainbow Dash, Chase, and Marshall
Paul McCartney as Spike and Ryder
Sia as Twilight Sparkle and Skye
Kimiko Glenn as Everest, Rocky, and Zuma
Joe Biden as Princess Celstia and Rubble
Cardi B as Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and the villain, Power Night Shadow
Matreyi Ramakrishnan as Rarity

The story is:
Adventure Bay and Equestria collide together after an evil force, Power Night Shadow, gets his magic back. Our heroes must put aside their differences for the ultimate journey to defeat him.

The movie’s hit new songs are "Paws and Hooves", "Let's Sing With Shrek Today", and "Dog And Kitty Party".

How do you like my amzing movie idea?
Background Pony #2A97
Every drawing uploaded is getting flooded with people seething over it being 'bad' why? Any idea what autistic trigger exists in physical pencil art that's triggering their tism?
Posted Report
Showing results 1 - 25 of 302 total

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If you do not specify a field to search over, the search engine will search for posts with a body that is similar to the query's word stems. For example, posts containing the words winged humanization, wings, and spread wings would all be found by a search for wing, but sewing would not be.

Allowed fields

Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
authorLiteralMatches the author of this post. Anonymous authors will never match this
bodyFull TextMatches the body of this post. This is the default field.body:test
created_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation time of this post.created_at:2015
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this
myMetamy:posts matches posts you have posted if you are signed in. my:posts
subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
topic_idLiteralMatches the numeric surrogate key for the topic this post belongs to.topic_id:7000
topic_positionNumeric RangeMatches the offset from the beginning of the topic of this post. Positions begin at 0.topic_position:0
updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
user_idLiteralMatches posts with the specified user_id. Anonymous users will never match this term.user_id:211190