@BonappleTeeth > Also read what i wrote cause you clearly didn't if there's no proof it's an ai trace.
Featuring unknown people is what I'm for 100% but realise how insulting it is to feature this kind of art.
Also it took me less than a minute to catch on to it being ai, and like 2 minutes to find the original image.
You guys featured this and still refuse to look at the image it's traced to the point of looking no different from, so please think about how your criticisms of me can apply back onto you. If it takes me an hour to research this like you think it did that's still an hour more than you guys appeartly care to research your own site you adim my guy the fuck does that say about you
oh sweet someone actually went full retard instead of it just being a meme this time
@BonappleTeeth Some onus is on the other party not to escalate, which you certainly have by this point. Dial it back a notch, Lotus already pointed out the fact that it took hours of digging for you to even identify things. I'm pretty sure if the original sBPed didn't do his thing, you wouldn't have batted a fucking eye and gone about your day instead of sperging in the comments section of probably one of the most innocuous AI-assisted images i've seen.
@Enterusxrname You missed a chunk of her face on the right behind the eyelashes, though since it's a style sorta deal with the rest of the image i can probably forgive that. All my other complaints are definitely dismissable by the image's style.
Friends please stop the fighting and be kind to eachother. After a bit of meditation and balancing the mind, we will forgive even sub-consciously the mistakes that were made. Forget the drama and let us be friends again!
@Lotus In literally what your own argument is right now arnt you doing worse at the same thing your judging me over, and also it was at the same time people are telling you it's like that, and you guys picked it? Isn't it hypocritical to use this argument given the facts?
@Lotus Please for the love of God look at the link I've posted and tell me how that's not proof of ai tracing please.
You are doing what's called strawmans fallacy, and that's when you focus on something unrelated to the issue at hand to deflect from the topic. My post times and how long it took someone that's not myself has nothing to do with mine or your arguments here my friend.
Please just actually read what I'm saying here. You saying I'm bulling this artist with some of the things I've said shows you arnt even reading things I'm saying and it makes you looks really bad in general, especially with you using well know argument fallacys
@BonappleTeeth Go back and read your first comment on this image.
You didn't see it either.
>it took me a minute to catch on and two minutes to find the image Your follow up comment about it being AI assisted was posted one hour and five minutes later.
Same thing for Wallbeige. He posted in the forums. He saw the featured image. He didn't say anything until someone else in the thread said something, three days later.
@Lotus Also read what i wrote cause you clearly didn't if there's no proof it's an ai trace.
Featuring unknown people is what I'm for 100% but realise how insulting it is to feature this kind of art.
Also it took me less than a minute to catch on to it being ai, and like 2 minutes to find the original image.
You guys featured this and still refuse to look at the image it's traced to the point of looking no different from, so please think about how your criticisms of me can apply back onto you. If it takes me an hour to research this like you think it did that's still an hour more than you guys appeartly care to research your own site you adim my guy the fuck does that say about you
@Wallbeige @BonappleTeeth >AI was involved in some way That's not readily apparent by looking at the image. It doesn't look AI. Stable Diffusion has a look to it, and this does not look like that.
>Why is the tag back and forth Because it doesn't look like an AI generated image and we didn't know.
>Megalyth changed the tag! After the artist said it was AI assisted
>You've brought so much infamy to this artist! No, (You) are bullying the artist in the comments. That's something that happens to artists anyways, regardless of whether AI had anything to do with it. We've had it happen before. I don't have control over what you post except through moderation. Derpibooru has rules against that. We don't, because we try to trust our users not to start shitfests in the comments that lead to people leaving.
>why would you feature this image! We try to feature images of every artist, including you, in a sort of rotation.
Boneapple, your first damn comment shows that you didn't realize that AI was involved in some way and had to do an hour of investigating to find out.
This image doesn't look AI, it mostly wasn't AI, and if it is AI assisted that is impossible to tell by someone who isn't an artist and doesn't work with stable diffusion. This image does not look AI. It's taken you two three days to reply and to downvote the image. I think that's because you either didn't notice or you didn't care when you first saw the image. If this image is the hill that you want to die on, I think you've made a terrible choice.
But really, Enterusxrname said it best "Y'all don't need to get bent out of shape for someone who is still practicing" We don't want to exclusively feature masterpieces. If we did that, we'd only feature Batsy and Maretian. We want to promote starting artists as well. We don't want established fame and talent to choke out growth. So yes, we feature starting artists.
And especially "Just stop arguing I don't care, it's just a thing I made."
I'm here to look at cute pictures of ponies. This image is cute, and it features a pony. I like it. And if you don't like it… well, that's fine too.
So this site has like at most, and may I say I'm being generous when I say 60 people. About like 10 are artists that choose to upload to this site manually. Even fewer just post here alone.
If you guys lose people from doing this kinda stuff even like 1 or 2 people, your losing alot of people from that.
Like think about if just 2 artists stopped posting here how you lost roughly 20% of the reason for anons to come here and not other boorus.
Also ponerpics staff please realise by making this the featured image like this, you've inadvertently brought probably so much infamy to this one artist now. Instead of just this being animosity towards how you guys pick art, it's now a negative thing that this artist is now in the middle of, and it's on all sides of things fucked for everyone and idk why you guys would do this without thinking, or on purpose cause idk what you guys were thinking
Also this is just to shut down the argument of “I did this on my phone” I wouldn’t want to do this otherwise.
I did this on my phone with my fingers and thumbs and when I was only a month or two into art so that doesn’t mean shit cause everyone’s different and some people can make masterpieces in ms paint so the medium isn’t at all an argument that can be made here https://ponerpics.org/images/6782831?q=artist%3Aboneappleteeth
Like why shoot yourself in the foot with your art by using crutches of tracing ai art? You do know you won’t get better if you trace without understanding what your doing right?
@Enterusxrname No I can't, but I am upset that ponerpics puts ai art then hides that it's that.
What I can say you did that's wrong is insist this isn't an ai image tho.
Also keep with making art normally, and remember referencing something and tracing are different and one is widely recognized as bad artistry regardless of ai or not being involved, and honestly even if it's just a trace. a trace of this kind being the feature is insane.
Nothing is wrong with references, and in fact ai images are great for inspiration, just next time change enough about it so it's not literally the same image. You mostly reference for poses, or how you should be shading your art, not just stealing it and saying you made it when you didnt
@Enterusxrname The cuteness is lost knowing it's either a straight trace/or just an ai image. As someone that takes along time to do each thing i draw this is disappointing to see for alot of reasons. One being instead of improving your art and making this yourself(actually easy to replicate this without tracing it or making an ai do it, it is after all just her head and face) you just go the easy route.
The other big issue with this is that ponerpics staff choose art that's ai made for this, and they definitely know it is cause megalith added ai assisted and took out other ones for who knows what reasons.
My last thing tho is like, what the fuck are you doing? You shouldn't be acting as if this isn't ai made even if it's a trace caus3 you traced bad anatomy the ai put in.
You have some art not made by ai(who knows honestly) why don't you just practice your skills and mak3 this actually?
>ai assisted tag >mod added tag >featured >"just filter it, wall!"
Fuck you morons. I spent hours learning how to make lightning, shading. learning new art software. creating symbolism and hints at to what my art means and the story I'm trying to tell. and all is ignored in favor of AI slop? If I spent that long on my art what about everyone else? how many made art with their own hands and spent hours on it only for you to feature some twitterite's AI slop?