We are on a fucking roll anons just remember your fueling further comments by me when the comment amount isn't on a 5 or a 0 but I fucking love this and genuinely can't thank you retards enough for letting me do as I want here like this it's sweet of you all
@Background Pony #5147 I think it's strange what you guys focus on in this, like picking just megalith there when my complaints are about the staff as a whole
@Background Pony #5147 I don't take meds, and thank you. It's better to not care about all this shit that's fucking bogged me down and just embrace the fuck you attitude. Edit:I made derpibooru allow wildmanes after they said no so I have fucked with other boorus successfully, not that this shitstorm is anything at all I'm just doing it for fun and the no resp3ct I have for this site rn Also go fucking eat your mother's asshole anon
Still commit Shitstorm? I'm mildly impressed by your autistic power. Even the fraction of it could put sjwbooru staff on death chase, but you are Truly unparraleled with sheer megalith snobiness. Go back to your shit cellar where you came from and dont skip meds 💊💊
@omelettepony I apologize if I cane across like that was me being serious about suicide, and anyone that actually wants to do som3thing like that should know that's not the answer
@omelettepony Killing myself? I said I 2as ready to blo2 my brains out but that's an expression my fren, also that wasn't in reference to this site it was in ref to my awful time at the con
I and anyone else is just allowed to derail shit like this? They saw me start this and did nothing kek I guess I'm just shocked they truly just don't fucking care
@Background Pony #441D Not to sure how that would make anyone stupid, infact b3ing a Grammer nazi of that caliber makes you one of th3 most unliked people imaginable, also nice pussy posting b3hind th3 anon there
Oh and lotus, I'm pretty sur3 you called m3 darling in the past I genuinely don't care if p3ople are gay or woman or something, and if it's just being flamboyant I don't care, but the fuck was up with you calling me darling last time we argued? Who the fuck calls anyone darling?