
Luna’s Notes:

As chance would have it, I managed to track down your former apprentice, Sunset Shimmer. After her self-imposed exile, I had my doubts about being able to find her, but rumors of a fiery unicorn picky fights with every moderately powerful mage in the region proved true.

She was immediately suspicious of my presence, and demanded to know why I was there. I then told her about the Quest for Harmony, though I kept the more sensitive details hidden. At first, she was eager to take up the quest, but when she learned that she was not to be central hero, and instead a “chaperon” for Twilight, she immediately became angered and further demanded that she prove herself the more worthy.

I subjected her to my usual tests, and in retrospect, it becomes clear why she could not tolerate your training methods and ideology. Sunset is a wild-mage, a sorcerer. Her magic comes not from discipline, order, and study. Rather, her passions and sheer force of will fuels her arcana. Compared to Twilight, her magic is faster, more aggressive, and out right more destructive–favoring the elemental forces of fire and kinetics. Her sheer output of power makes her an incredibly threat in a quick fight, but in long term conflict, I fear she would literally burn herself out. Sunset’s magic also lacks versatility. She’s uncreative as a fighter, resorting to simple overwhelming force over tactics.

Sunset’s temperament reflects her powers. Volatile, aggressive, and uncompromising. I doubt she comprehends teamwork well, and indeed, her very interest in this quest seems to be a selfish desire for glory.

I can not in good faith recommend Sunset Shimmer. If she could learn the value of restraint, and even humility, she could become a powerful ally. But until then, she is a liability, and remains less favorable than more consistent and reliable candidates.

If I may add, dear sister, I understand your desire to reconnect with your lost pupil. But it’s clear her mentality hasn’t changed. Perhaps more experience and wisdom will change that, but for now, we must leave her to walk her own path.

Another entry in the Adventuring is Magic series!

While in this canon, Sunset wasn’t banished to another world, she has more or less cut all ties with Celestia. She feels her full potential wasn’t being reached and has searched for her own methods of ambition.

Even though this is effectively before any redemption or enlightenment, she’s not evil or a megalomaniac. Just aggressive, vicious, and maybe a bit of a bully. Hopefully, Twilight will one day teach her about Friendship.

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