I had to travel far to the north, to the Griffin Kingdom, for this lead. The idea actually came from another candidate, Rainbow Dash, whom Gilda has a history with. It seems that during an extended skirmish with Sombra’s forces, The Cloudsdale army hired a local mercenary band to assist them, with Gilda as part of that band. And in the chaos of that battle, Dash and Gilda found themselves often fighting together, and surviving against greater numbers than their own. That synergy would be useful to the Quest for Harmony.
I found Gilda in a remote camp with her mercenary allies. Gilda didn’t trust my sudden appearance one bit, which is excellent. I prefer a wary candidate to an overly trusting one. I traveled with her and her band a few days for the sake of evaluation.
Gilda is a fierce warrior, using her avian wings to maintain mobility and speed, and her lion’s strength to overwhelm enemies. Her glaive gives her an impressive reach as well. She is lethal, ruthless, and incredibly aggressive in a fight. A genuine terror whose assault is as much psychological as it is physical. Additionally, Gilda’s experience in a band of mercenaries, and her time with Rainbow Dash demonstrates good teamwork skills.
Gilda’s demeanor is less viable, however. She is rude and, at times, a bully to anyone she considers weaker than herself. This could lead to intra-team conflict with other members.
While her problems are not insurmountable, especially when considering her strengths, I would prefer to find a yet more ideal candidate. Her potential synergy would only be effective if she could get along well with the rest of the group; and that is the most in question with her.
Gilda, Adventuring is Magic!
Surprise, this one isn’t actually a Patreon project. It was actually commissioned privately. As such, it was completed independent of the Patreon schedule, and there will still be another AiM character done later this month.