Rarity: "Oh, Applejack, Darling! You can help us all, you can save us all from this fishy life and predicament." Applejack: … (thinking) Dammit! She is centimeters away… She is going to touch me! Please, no!! I don't want to sleep with the fishes! I don't want to lose my legs… My family needs me… I can't be a big sis example for Applebloom if I end up transformed and stuck in the sea. Rarity: "My good beloved friend! I know we have had some differences in the past, but that doesn't mean we can not help us each other, right? I know I look like a FREAK, but please, dont' put that scared face. I will help you reach the surface so you can breath and you take me with you to the shore. That's a fair deal, isn't it, darling?" "Here, let me pull you up" * Rarity is less than one centimeter away from Applejack's soft skin.