"Oh, yeah sure." Joyride says. She then takes her hooves and rubs the cum all over her face until it can't be seen against her fur anymore.
"There, better?"
Sighing, Emerald asks how far away he'd have to run.
"I dunno. Pick a direction and go until no one even knows who your parents are. Realistically though, probably to deer lands, or so far into the warzone that no one will care who you are."
Emerald asks if there is a library around where he could find out about Enchantments.
"Hmm… There is one near Hope's house I think. It's connected to the college. I don't know of any others really."
Joyride asks if Hope's father is trustworthy enough to help us out.
"He's a nice guy and all, but I doubt he'd help you. Blood would probably hand you back to your father. It's the smartest political and financial move, as well as the fact that they are very close friends."