"Oh hey, good idea. Wait, are his bones in there anywhere?"
Joyride shuffles through the nest, casting it aside until she finds what appears to be a pony skull, fully intact.
"Nice. Only slightly cracked. Still useable!" Joyride says, putting in her cloak and making it disappear. Joyride turns to see a disapproving Emerald and she says,
"What? It's not like they'll need it anymore. It might not even be this 'Cherry Chiffon's' skull, for all you know. Come on, we are wasting time.
The pair walk deeper into the cavern, and as they go the tunnels start to split more and more. Emerald is worried they won't find their way out, but Joyride doesn't seem too concerned about it, so he tries his best not to be.
"Wait, you hear that?" Joyride says, stopping and perking up her ears?
Emerald does the same, and he can clearly hear what seems to be running water. The two carefully follow the sound downwards and come upon an opening that has a small stream coming in a small break in the wall and leaving out the other Aside it are clearly mushrooms.
"Ah, I wonder if that's them!" Joyride says, but Emerald stops him and points at what appears to him to be some sort of bird lying on the ground.
"Hmm… A Jackknife Bird. Looks like it's knocked out though." Joyride says, walking past it and too the mushrooms, "Watch the bird. If it wakes up tell me and I'll deal with it."