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End of Chapter 16!
So here is me attempting to draw right now.
I think I'm too drunk to draw.
So I'm gonna just pass out.
I'll start another thread in a day or so. Let's just hang out. How are all of you?
(Below is a Q&A that me and a few other anons had with FicFic. I'm adding it here as it has some interesting information.)
Anon: I'm doing well. Are you enjoying doing this Quest?
FicFic: Of course. I wouldn't be doing it if i wawsn't.
Anon: Do you have plans or ideas for what's coming next?
FicFic: Yup.
Anon: care to hint at what some of it is?
FicFic: Nope.
Anon: Who's your favorite character drawing/writing?
FicFic: Hmm… I like most of them desu.
Anon: I want to thank you for this Quest. It has great characters and a good story. It's gotten me very invested in it. =)
FicFic: Thanks!
Anon:Christ, how much did you have to drink?
Also, would you rather have fanart posted directly on here, or linked from offsite?
FicFic: I drink as much as it takes to make me drunk. Also, it doesn't matter where it's posted. But I probably won't see it unless it's posted here.
Anon: Are you planning on uploading some of this quest onto derpibooru? I know some fans have already uploaded a chunk of it but it's still incomplete.
FicFic: Nah, it's already on the anon pineapple whatever site, so it's fine.
Anon: Was there anything you hoped would happen that didn't due to player choice?
FicFic: Not really. Not anything major anyway, lol.
Anon: What would of happen if Emerald had taken the drink early on at the gypsy/succubus camp?
FicFic: rape scene followed by a rescue by Joyride.
Anon: Was Hope a character you planned from the start or was she someone you created when we avoided the gypsy succubus?
FicFic: Yes and no. If you guys had been raped by succubus you wouldn't have met Hope at all, and would have skipped straight to beng rescued by Joyride.
Anon: Has there been any point where you overrode the player's choice? If so was it for narrative reasons?
FicFic: Not that I'm aware of, but maybe I did it on accident?
Anon: How different would the story have been had we chosen a different character at the start?
FicFic: Very, very different. The choice of character basically determined the type of quest and amount of lewd. You guys picked the lewdest.
Anon: Was Ruby introduced to give the quest a new direction or were you always planning on introducing her?
FicFic: I was always planning on introducing the other PCs, but not in the way I did for Ruby. it's hard to explain, but you kind of haved to roll with the punches when running a CYOA.
Anon: Did you plan on having us stay with Joyride this long or was it a surprise to you how big her character has gotten?
FicFic: I didn't think she'd be that popular or that hated, but I kinda like Joyride so I'm okway with it.
Anon: What's your favorite brand of alcohol?
FicFic: Firebaaaaaaaaall. I like spices, and I like alcohol.
Anon: Did you plan on doing more with the farm family or were they just one shot characters that got expanded?
FicFic: Yes, kind of.
Anon: What would of happen if we had lost the bet in the barn with the succubus? Or was that even a possibility?
FicFic: Bad end. yes, there are bad ends, but as long as people make some sort of effort I try to not let it come to that.
Anon: Also what would happen if we had hit one? New character? No more quest?
FicFic: Not going to say. Get a bad ending to find out.
Anon: Could we at some point have some flashbacks to Emerald's abuse? Like maybe a bad dream or something? It could give Emerald some more depth and backstory and be interesting to see who his step parents look like.
FicFic: Possibly.
Anon: So do you feel that the player base has been doing a good job with the quest?
FicFic: For the most part. Yes.
Anon: How do you feel about the increased popularity of the Quest and the influx of new players into the mix. I for one congratulate you for the success so far and the ability of this quest to appeal to those outside 4chan.
FicFic: I like it.
Anon: When the Quest ends for good, will you show us what some other choices and endings would have been? Perhaps maybe a few behind the scenes notes on some of the characters as well. It's just that I'm curious of things like that.
FicFic: Sure, if that's what people want.
Anon: So what is your writing/drawing process for these posts? How long do you wait for votes to come in? Do you draw it first or write it out first?
FicFic: I usually wait about half an hour for votes to come in, and then I start drawing. If it's clear it's going one way I may start earlier. I just don't want anyone to be left out.
Anon: What was your inspiration for doing Colt Quest?
FicFic: I wanted to do something incredibly different from what I usually did. Which meant potentially offensive lewd i.e. a underage kid getting fucked and enjoying it.
Anon: Do you play video games?
FicFic: Yes, but i haven't had the time recently. Mostly have to play handhelds. Currently playing Stella Grad.
Anon: How did you get into mlp?
FicFic: Can't even remember anymore. Though I do remember being in the /co/ threads before /mlp/ became a thing.
Anon: Is this your first cyoa quest?
FicFic: My first on /mlp/. I did one on FiMchan when it was still a thing. It was a bit different because there wasn't a limit on the number of words as far as I remember, and I only update once a day if i remember correctly.
Anon: Holy shit, you were a part of that? It's sad to see that it died like it did, it felt like a home of sorts.
A hauntingly quiet home sometimes, but still a home.
FicFic: Yeah, I know what you mean.
Anon: What's your favorite episode of the show and your least favorite episode of the show? Also what do you think was the best season?
FicFic: Hmm… I'm not sure about my favorite episodes, but I know I definitely had episodes i didn't like. For instance i don't like most of the modern spike episodes, and I didn't like the opener to season 5 (hit a bit too close to home concerning some people I knew). I actually haven't seen all of season 5 or friendship games yet though.
Anon: Do you read idw's mlp comic?
FicFic: Yup, I <3 it.
Anon: Is there a chance that we may run into the succubus again?
FicFic: Check the ingredients for the libido potion again.
Anon: Is there a chance that we will run into other mlp races like changelings or manticores?
Also will the changelings have ovipositors?
FicFic: Yes, there is always a chance.
Anon: Who is your waifu?
Who is best girl?
Was the joyride arc planned from start or you just improvised along the way?
Who is your favorite character from Colt Quest? The one you enjoy the most to drawn/write
FicFic: >waifu
Are we talking in quest? I dunno, I like Joyride I guess. More in a "I want to party with her" than a "I want to love her tenderly and have her kids" way.
>Best Girl
I like'em all.
>Joyride Arc
I can't plan too far ahead considering you guys could want to go a completely different direction, but I have a direction I hope it goes from here on out.
>Favorite character from Coltquest
Emerald. I love what you guys have done with him.
Anon: >Are we talking in the quest
No, the show, who is your waifu from the show? The best pony, the one you like the most you know?
FicFic: I'm a flutterfag. I've always liked shrinking violets. I also like Coco Pommel, and I'm sure I'd like that pie sister from the episode that I haven't seen yet.
Anon: How improvised is the quest.
FicFic: Very much so. I can plan a little ahead, but not too muc because you guys may want to take it in a way I didn't plan.
Anon: What was your favorite moment so far in this Quest?
FicFic: Hmm… Any part with gay lovin' is good with me.
Anyway, gonna hit the sack. Good night you fucks, I'll see you monday when I start the next thread.
Anon: Alright. Rest well. Thanks for talking with us. =)
(And that's simply the highlights of the Q&A! If you wish to read the whole thing click this link and scroll near to the bottom. )
So here is me attempting to draw right now.
I think I'm too drunk to draw.
So I'm gonna just pass out.
I'll start another thread in a day or so. Let's just hang out. How are all of you?
(Below is a Q&A that me and a few other anons had with FicFic. I'm adding it here as it has some interesting information.)
Anon: I'm doing well. Are you enjoying doing this Quest?
FicFic: Of course. I wouldn't be doing it if i wawsn't.
Anon: Do you have plans or ideas for what's coming next?
FicFic: Yup.
Anon: care to hint at what some of it is?
FicFic: Nope.
Anon: Who's your favorite character drawing/writing?
FicFic: Hmm… I like most of them desu.
Anon: I want to thank you for this Quest. It has great characters and a good story. It's gotten me very invested in it. =)
FicFic: Thanks!
Anon:Christ, how much did you have to drink?
Also, would you rather have fanart posted directly on here, or linked from offsite?
FicFic: I drink as much as it takes to make me drunk. Also, it doesn't matter where it's posted. But I probably won't see it unless it's posted here.
Anon: Are you planning on uploading some of this quest onto derpibooru? I know some fans have already uploaded a chunk of it but it's still incomplete.
FicFic: Nah, it's already on the anon pineapple whatever site, so it's fine.
Anon: Was there anything you hoped would happen that didn't due to player choice?
FicFic: Not really. Not anything major anyway, lol.
Anon: What would of happen if Emerald had taken the drink early on at the gypsy/succubus camp?
FicFic: rape scene followed by a rescue by Joyride.
Anon: Was Hope a character you planned from the start or was she someone you created when we avoided the gypsy succubus?
FicFic: Yes and no. If you guys had been raped by succubus you wouldn't have met Hope at all, and would have skipped straight to beng rescued by Joyride.
Anon: Has there been any point where you overrode the player's choice? If so was it for narrative reasons?
FicFic: Not that I'm aware of, but maybe I did it on accident?
Anon: How different would the story have been had we chosen a different character at the start?
FicFic: Very, very different. The choice of character basically determined the type of quest and amount of lewd. You guys picked the lewdest.
Anon: Was Ruby introduced to give the quest a new direction or were you always planning on introducing her?
FicFic: I was always planning on introducing the other PCs, but not in the way I did for Ruby. it's hard to explain, but you kind of haved to roll with the punches when running a CYOA.
Anon: Did you plan on having us stay with Joyride this long or was it a surprise to you how big her character has gotten?
FicFic: I didn't think she'd be that popular or that hated, but I kinda like Joyride so I'm okway with it.
Anon: What's your favorite brand of alcohol?
FicFic: Firebaaaaaaaaall. I like spices, and I like alcohol.
Anon: Did you plan on doing more with the farm family or were they just one shot characters that got expanded?
FicFic: Yes, kind of.
Anon: What would of happen if we had lost the bet in the barn with the succubus? Or was that even a possibility?
FicFic: Bad end. yes, there are bad ends, but as long as people make some sort of effort I try to not let it come to that.
Anon: Also what would happen if we had hit one? New character? No more quest?
FicFic: Not going to say. Get a bad ending to find out.
Anon: Could we at some point have some flashbacks to Emerald's abuse? Like maybe a bad dream or something? It could give Emerald some more depth and backstory and be interesting to see who his step parents look like.
FicFic: Possibly.
Anon: So do you feel that the player base has been doing a good job with the quest?
FicFic: For the most part. Yes.
Anon: How do you feel about the increased popularity of the Quest and the influx of new players into the mix. I for one congratulate you for the success so far and the ability of this quest to appeal to those outside 4chan.
FicFic: I like it.
Anon: When the Quest ends for good, will you show us what some other choices and endings would have been? Perhaps maybe a few behind the scenes notes on some of the characters as well. It's just that I'm curious of things like that.
FicFic: Sure, if that's what people want.
Anon: So what is your writing/drawing process for these posts? How long do you wait for votes to come in? Do you draw it first or write it out first?
FicFic: I usually wait about half an hour for votes to come in, and then I start drawing. If it's clear it's going one way I may start earlier. I just don't want anyone to be left out.
Anon: What was your inspiration for doing Colt Quest?
FicFic: I wanted to do something incredibly different from what I usually did. Which meant potentially offensive lewd i.e. a underage kid getting fucked and enjoying it.
Anon: Do you play video games?
FicFic: Yes, but i haven't had the time recently. Mostly have to play handhelds. Currently playing Stella Grad.
Anon: How did you get into mlp?
FicFic: Can't even remember anymore. Though I do remember being in the /co/ threads before /mlp/ became a thing.
Anon: Is this your first cyoa quest?
FicFic: My first on /mlp/. I did one on FiMchan when it was still a thing. It was a bit different because there wasn't a limit on the number of words as far as I remember, and I only update once a day if i remember correctly.
Anon: Holy shit, you were a part of that? It's sad to see that it died like it did, it felt like a home of sorts.
A hauntingly quiet home sometimes, but still a home.
FicFic: Yeah, I know what you mean.
Anon: What's your favorite episode of the show and your least favorite episode of the show? Also what do you think was the best season?
FicFic: Hmm… I'm not sure about my favorite episodes, but I know I definitely had episodes i didn't like. For instance i don't like most of the modern spike episodes, and I didn't like the opener to season 5 (hit a bit too close to home concerning some people I knew). I actually haven't seen all of season 5 or friendship games yet though.
Anon: Do you read idw's mlp comic?
FicFic: Yup, I <3 it.
Anon: Is there a chance that we may run into the succubus again?
FicFic: Check the ingredients for the libido potion again.
Anon: Is there a chance that we will run into other mlp races like changelings or manticores?
Also will the changelings have ovipositors?
FicFic: Yes, there is always a chance.
Anon: Who is your waifu?
Who is best girl?
Was the joyride arc planned from start or you just improvised along the way?
Who is your favorite character from Colt Quest? The one you enjoy the most to drawn/write
FicFic: >waifu
Are we talking in quest? I dunno, I like Joyride I guess. More in a "I want to party with her" than a "I want to love her tenderly and have her kids" way.
>Best Girl
I like'em all.
>Joyride Arc
I can't plan too far ahead considering you guys could want to go a completely different direction, but I have a direction I hope it goes from here on out.
>Favorite character from Coltquest
Emerald. I love what you guys have done with him.
Anon: >Are we talking in the quest
No, the show, who is your waifu from the show? The best pony, the one you like the most you know?
FicFic: I'm a flutterfag. I've always liked shrinking violets. I also like Coco Pommel, and I'm sure I'd like that pie sister from the episode that I haven't seen yet.
Anon: How improvised is the quest.
FicFic: Very much so. I can plan a little ahead, but not too muc because you guys may want to take it in a way I didn't plan.
Anon: What was your favorite moment so far in this Quest?
FicFic: Hmm… Any part with gay lovin' is good with me.
Anyway, gonna hit the sack. Good night you fucks, I'll see you monday when I start the next thread.
Anon: Alright. Rest well. Thanks for talking with us. =)
(And that's simply the highlights of the Q&A! If you wish to read the whole thing click this link and scroll near to the bottom. )
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