
Colt Quest
Chapter 19 begins!

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Emerald was in a dark tunnel… no, cave. He couldn't remember how long it's been since he started walking for all the rocks looked the same.

He froze when he heard an animalistic screech echoing from behind. Turning to look, he saw two of those needle-nose monsters come bounding down the cave towards him.

He ran.

Those monsters… demons were after him. Maybe in revenge for one he killed. Maybe they wanted to eat him. Suck his blood and snap his tiny bones in two. It didn't matter. They were going to hurt him and he was running from them.

Gasping and panting, Emerald galloped all the harder. He wouldn't let them hurt him, he won't let them. Not—

Emerald tripped over some rocks and skidded across the cave floor. Bleeding, he cried in pain and heard the demons coming closer. Grabbing a loose rock he growled and turned ready to strike.

Only to come face to face with his step-parents.

Emerald bolted up. He is in his bed in the little flat that Joyride gave him. He hears the sounds of clanking dishes and gets up groggily to his hooves and goes into the kitchen.

Ruby is there washing dishes, and seeing Emerald she says,

"Oh! You're awake. You ready to go? Joyride said we're leaving soon."

Emerald asks what happened last night.

"You tried to cast a spell, or something I guess? I wasn't really watching." Ruby says, taking a scrubber to a particular resilient stain, "All I heard was Joyride congratulating you on casting it correctly and then asking if you were alright. When I turned I saw you on the floor."

Ruby then let's out a little chuckle and continues, "Reminded me of some of my room mates after they get home from the pub on Saturday. Anyway, she carried you over to the bed."


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