Really, it's the first place that's felt like home for him, and the only place since he escaped from his parent's that felt safe, even if he was still being hunted constantly.
Emerald asks if anyone knows any sea shanties.
"I know some, but I don't sing." Joyride says flatly.
"I like to sing, but I don't know any." Ruby says, trailing off.
Emerald asks how she got the captain to take Ruby in, and if there were any costs associated with it.
"Yeah, but nothing too horrible. I'm already giving them my services for much cheaper than I normally would. Plus he's a friend. You two just gotta help out every once and a while if they ask, alright? They might not even ask, I dunno." Joyride says with a shrug.
"I guess I could help out in the kitchens." Ruby says calmly, though the look in her eyes is rather expectant.
"There ya go." Joyride says, giving her a wink.
Emerald asks if she has any plans for the voyage.
"Hey, I'm the only grown woman on a boat full of men, I brought booze, and plenty of party favors. For me this is a pleasure cruise, lil' perv!" Joyride says with a grin.
Emerald says that he thought she was going to protect the crew or something like that.
"Yeah, but it should be fine." Joyride says dismissively.
Emerald wants to argue the point more, but he isn't sure what to say. He instead takes out his bag of components and spellbook. He then looks for a small rock in the area, and finding one nestled snuggly in a corner of the bow he starts to levitate it.
Ruby watches him, but Joyride just stares out into the water. Whether bored or pensive Emerald doesn't know.