"The Boondock Saints is one of those movies I completely passed upon, because it didn't seem all that special for me, and I have to admit I wasn't all that thrilled about it when I watched it recently. Things didn't get better with the way the title credits are arranged (_one of the worst title credits I've ever seen, and I've seen a few bad ones). But besides that, it is a pretty good movie. It's akin to the old vigilante/slash revenge movies you'd see Charles Bronson starring in, with two brothers taking upon themselves to clean the city of Boston of all the mobsters that operate in it. It's edited really clever, with the action scenes intertwined with the FBI investigation that tracks their exploits, it's full of memorable characters and performances (especially Willem Dafoe as the FBI Agent in charge, and Billy Connolly as a hit-man), and it's surprisingly violent. If you're into action movies that know how to squeeze every dollar out of their low budgets, give this one a watch because you might be like me: You won't regret it.
Ever since I played "Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder" at Hearths Warming Con with my friends, I've been fascinated with the designs of the grown up versions of all fillies and colts from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've been wanting to draw them ever since, so I had to put both Snips and Snails in this update, as Connor and Murphy MacManus. I've also made the decision of having all future appearances from any filly and colt (and baby dragon) from Friendship is Magic to be their grown up version. I think that will make the blog more interesting, and it won't limit me so much when it comes to feature characters in future updates. Besides drawing these two as two total badasses instead of the usual clumsy and useless duo feels refreshing, truth be told.