"Oh no, we'll see you naked. Who cares?" Joyride says, and Emerald hears the lock click on the door.
Emerald pulls the sheets closer to himself and tucks his tail between his legs, hoping full well that they don't expect anything.
Ruby and Joyride walk in, and seeing Emerald on the bed the filly asks, "Where you sleeping?"
Emerald quickly stutters out that he was and that he was tired after practicing magic so much that he decided to take a nap.
"Hey, what're you-" Ruby says as Joyride starts to scoot her out the door.
"Didn't you hear him? He wants to take a nap. Maybe he's getting sick! We should let him have his rest. Dinners almost done by the way, that's why we were looking for you." Joyride says, succeeding in pushing her out the door.
She leans through the half closed entryway and says, "Hey now, if you are that restless I'm sure I can find you some work on the ship here, if you'd like. I also brought the 'machine' with me. I can set it up and have a potion ready quick."
Joyride then gives a wink and shuts the door. Emerald hears a click of the lock, hoofsteps going upstairs, and then silence