Emerald instead explains that quite a few people seem to know of Sunshine Sea, particularly the Captain and Bo. Emerald asks if she really got married, and what happened to Sunshine Sea.
Joyride walks over to the rails of the ship and looks out into the sea.
"Yeah, we kind of left the Zebra lands abruptly. That's just the way adventuring goes you know? You hear something interesting or catch a lead to some great treasure and off you go." Joyride says, smirking to herself and looking down at her hoof, which is flicking dust off the rail she is leaning against, "Sunshine really did leave, yes. The pair of us ended up back in Whiterwater. There was a rumor of a demon summoning that went out of control. Long story short the demon wasn't as out of control as was first thought. I'll tell you about it sometime."
Joyride grins down at Emerald, looks back out at the sea with a frown, and then continues, "While we were investigating there Sunshine met some doofus. They hit it off, she abandoned me, and the pair of them went some where to the east. I dunno where. Don't care."
Emerald waits for a second, mostly because that seemed like a rather abrupt end to her tale. Joyride doesn't look like she is going to say more though.