Gender: Female, identifies as them/they
Personality: Lots of mood swings. On one side, they'll be extroverted and talking to everyone. The next moment, they'll stay silent and won't be talking to anybody. Pretty difficult to get along with them, unless you get to know them. A hard nut to crack.
Likes/Dislikes: Being in public is a joy for one part. The other one disagrees. Vice versa for staying at home. They both enjoy sweet foods or candies.
Other: Not twins, nor conjoined. Simply sees themselves as two different personalities, and will often call their other side by the other name. "Double" will refer to the more excitable, purple side. "Love" will refer to the blue, introverted side. "Double Love" will refer to both of them. Fully asexual. Wouldn't be interested in anything to do with relationships with other ponies. Is another pony that was in ???'s class.
Cutiemark: Two-face with purple hearts. They do not remember how they received it (meaning me too haha. Will edit this later)
Backstory: An acquaintance of ??? and friend of Shining Smiles. They all met in class, and eventually all warmed up to each other and started understanding the others. They, like Shining Smiles, started drifting away from their former friends. They're now considered a councilor, as they can give two different opinions and work things out between the other ponies.
MLP:FiM — Lauren Faust and Hasbro
Double Love — Me