"Pfft, like you would have listened. You made it pretty clear you wanted to be part of the assault, and I bet even now you are trying to figure out a way of getting out." Joyride says, looking between Ruby and Emerald in turn.
Emerald asks if she relays information back and forth between herself and the illusion, and asks if that is draining.
"I do, but it's not as bad as you might think. I wasn't even planning on having the illusion out of the whole time, just until the battle really started."
Emerald asks if the illusion can cast spells.
"Nope, but it can still use magical items." Joyride says, tugging on her mantle.
"Ha, does that mean you are walking around without it on? I'm kinda curious to see! I always figured you wore that thing because you got nasty scars or something." Ruby says with a big smile.
"Nah, just put on some proper fighting gear is all." Joyride says, patting her mantle again.
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