
Emerald asks her why she didn't bring these games out sooner. Surely would have made the duller moments a little bit more fun!

"Hey, I'm not a mind reader. Should have asked me if I had any games on me." Joyride says with a grin.

Emerald takes Ruby's place in the Battle Galleon game, and after calling out a square and missing, asks how exactly she plans on getting the other ship.

"Well, we'll fly the flags of Whitherwater until we get close. At that point we'll switch over to the pirate flag, and give a few warning shots. Hopefully that'll be enough for them to just surrender. From what Daybreak has told us, err, the pegasus we sent to go scout out the ship, the transport is running a small crew. It's about equal to ours, but it's running a much larger vessel. If they take even a few casualties they won't even be able to pilot their craft. Worse comes to worse though and we'll close in and duke it out. Or I should say they'll duke it out. I'll be staying here and firing off spells. Was never much for CQC." Joyride explains, tapping her Battle Galleon board.

"Got it!" Ruby says, causing the pair to look over. Ruby pops the door open and after giving Joyride a grin she darts up the stairs.

"Oh no. Stop. Don't." Joyride says turning back to the game calmly and rolling her yes, "Well, can't say I didn't try I guess. Really though, a pirate attack is no place for the likes of you two."

Emerald is a little surprised that she isn't doing too much to stop them.

"I got more important things to worry about than you two risking your lives. I gave you an option, and you both ignored it. Not my fault." Joyride says, she then gathers up her games and puts them in her mantle, "Hey, bring this back up to me when you have the chance."

The unicorn disappears in a small puff of technicolor smoke, and the mantle falls on the floor.


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