He sees what looks like an outpost or a look out tower. It might give him a better view of things, but considering how rundown everything is and how it's made of wood perhaps it's not too safe.
Near the lookout tower is also a well. Good, he was getting thirsty!
Emerald also sees a building with a very large steeple. What could be the purpose of that?
There is a farm nearby as well. Maybe there is something edible growing there? Emerald stomach growls again.
Other than that there are a random assortment of buildings, as well as the broken tower looming in the center of the village.
Emerald wishes he had his backpack with him… Would have been nice to get some communications out. Speaking of which, why hasn't anyone written him yet? Last time Emerald got separated from Joyride during the dragon fight that's one of the first things he woke up too. Maybe they don't know he is missing? Maybe something happened to them?
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