On that page, there is a source link to the youtube video. Four different methods of pony height mesurement converge to around 98 cm. This was used as a rough guide for this comparison. 1 pony = ~ 40 pixels ~ 1 meter.
Recent "Equestria Girls outtakes" video shows "human" Rainbow Dash riding pony Rainbow Dash, and roughly agrees with this metric.
For an extended size comparison of real objects, visit:
…Maybe I should make a higher-res version? I scaled it down to 25% of the original size because the file size was getting ridiculous with the further expansion, and it was getting laggy to work on it. I could re-make it at 50% scale, though.
Read the thingies in it.
This is why I think nukes are massively under-appreciated in fiction :P
Also, apparently a tank would probably win against an Ursa Minor.
I'm really surprised by how small everything is. Especially the hydra.
I mean, freakishly terrifying to fight in person. But not so big compared to ships, shuttles, jets, or even tanks…