"Ha ha…" The demon starts a bit nervous, "Well you see, you seemed to be trying to find the key of your own accord. So you were helping me out already! No need to surprise you with the fact that I was in here, right? Just a few quick nudges from me was all you needed!"
Emerald squints his eyes, and then realizing that she probably can't see that says that he'll see what he can do after he gets the information she knows about the demon in his amulet.
"What? No way! What reason would you have to get me out of here if I told you everything?" Pipadeaxkor whines.
Emerald sighs, and then asks if there is some where more private they might be able to chat.
"What, you mean without zombies wandering around? Probably not. Whoever takes watch after Dead Eye will be in the tower, and I can't be certain Gregarious won't hear or see us in any of the other rooms in the church. I know for a fact he'll be able to at least sense you if he gets close enough."