
It was a late Ponyville afternoon and the amber sunlight trickling through the leaves. Snips and his longtime friend, Babs Seed, were taking a stroll through the park, discussing Snips' exploits with Snails and that one mare who is never satisfied with the way Babs styles her mane.

In this calm scene, Snips' mind was racing. Should he just ask? What will happen to their friendship if he told her? Would Snails ever let him live it down if he failed? Lost in his thoughts, he had unknowingly stopped moving. Babs turned to him to see what the issue was. It was all or nothing now.

Snips: Babs, we have known each other for a while now, right?

Babs: Of course, we have. Wait. Where are ya going wit dis?

Snips: (now blushing and sweating profusely) W-will y-you be my special somepony? It's alright if you say no. I-I mean you're so awesome and great at everything. I c-can t-total—-

Babs held up her hoof to stop the stream of babbling pouring from his muzzle.

Babs: (smiling) Ya get flustered so easily. I think ya awesome too and I would love ta be ya special somepony.

She moved to stand by his side and nuzzled into him.

Snips: Snails will never believe me.


Snips will join a Hoofball team with some of the other Ponyville colts and with a little growth spurt, he will grow out of his adorable chubbiness. And after meeting Babs Seed through her cousin Apple Bloom, they will begin an awesome friendship that blossomed into romance.


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