"Oh. No, I didn't even ask. She must want to talk about something important though." Lady Elegance says.
Emerald asks if it was nice for her to see Joyride again.
"Yes, and also quite sad." Lady Elegance says with a sigh, "Only with her for such a short time… Oh well, at least she knows where we are now. I can hope that she will indeed come visit again!"
Emerald gives her a smile and a nod, and then goes to pack up his things. Ruby is finally up, and she is reading comics again. Emerald says that they have to pack up to go, and Ruby doesn't complain in the slightest.
Emerald wishes he could have taken a spellbook with him, but he left them down in the library, and besides the point he might already be taking a book with him, so Emerald thinks it might be best not to push it.
The two young ponies gather near the trapdoor, and Ruby starts speaking to Lady Elegance. Now they are just waiting for Joyride.
Emerald looks around. He isn't sure if and when he'll ever see this place again. He can't think of anything else he might want to do, and doubts there is much to do, but now would be a good time to go and do it if he had anything.
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