As they approach Emerald asks if maybe he could borrow that spellbook he was reading before Joyride came.
"You are already taking one of my books with you, child. I'm not a library." Sepulcher says with a chuckle.
Emerald looks hopefully to Joyride, and Joyride says, "Yup. Pip is coming with us. Emerald thanks Lord Sepulcher, and also gives Lady Elegance a hug and says that he was happy he met her, and that he hopes to see her again.
The zombies of the village start to come out of the woodwork to say goodbye, mostly to Joyride who they pat on the back, and invite to more poker games next time she appears. Emerald sees Gregarious and thanks him as well, and hopes he has continued success on his farm.
"Oh yes child, that reminds me. Joyride! You will probably be needing this." the shriveled pony says, handing the key to Pip's book from around his neck.
After that the three make their way out through the woods surprisingly unmolested by any creatures, they reach the road near the woods. As they step onto it there is a few bright flashes of light, and three letters poof into existence above Emerald's head.
"Huh." Joyride says giving a sideways glance to the letters. "I wrote you two, but who could the other one be from?"
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