This is an outfit from EQG Friendship Games. I quite liked it, it didn't have a lot of screentime, though. There are still several outfits from that movie alone that I still kinda want to make at some point. I suppose this is the first step to it.
Some people may recognize this design, since I made and uploaded the sketch a couple months back, Little Apples Applejack and it was a fun little opportunity to try out this "figurine" approach again. Not exactly the most refined, but depends on where you look, hehe. I've had ones where I spend more time cleaning things up. Most focus probably on the hair. I like Applejack's hair haha.
Anyhow, hope y'all enjoy this random little Applejack. I'll be off to BronyCon, vending and having a panel (A Monkey's Art Talk) and all that fun stuff! So this may be the last thing I could make until after.