"Hey everyone! I finally am able to announce it with my picture: I´ll be at GalaCon 2016 in Ludwigsburg, Germany Yayyyy!!! :D :D :D I will be joined by :iconsnoopystallion: SnoopyStallion , who´s OC you can see right next to mine :) :iconsnowvillier1804: SnowVillier1804 , another wonderful friend of mine, who´s OC is on the left, will be there, as well That´s why he´s in the drawing, too :P ;) Because Snoopy really wants to meet them, I put the OCs of :iconestories: EStories in the drawing, because they sure will be there, too. I´m sure to meet them will be interesting You can see a blurry Think Pink and Neigh Sayer on the right behind one of my favourite shippings, LyraBon, which I added, because I can imagine them to attend a convention, where humans could be the main topic :P
In the background, you can see some posters. At first, the huge poster of the anniversary of GalaCon, just to show the pride of it and to celebrate its 5th birthday I also added the blue streamers for Canni ;) On the left, I used :iconestories: ´s GalaCon 2016 staff picture as a poster. On the right hand side, I created a poster for MLP FIM, which belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust, and 2 drawings from :icondennyvixen: dennyvixen, who´ll also be attending the con and is my favourite artist. They´ll represent the pride and joy of our incredable fandom :D
I drew this picture for you, for my friends, who´ll be there, and for me, because it´ll be such a huge event and exciting experience for me, I can´t wait for. I really am countng the days down, so I thought, since because I finished the drawing today, I post it when 10 days are left I just want to show, how much it means to me and how special, I think, these two days will be with all of you :D Sooooo, if you want to be at GalaCon and you see a girl with short brown hair, a lot of green stuff like a green bag, green shoes and probably a black jacket with my cutie mark on it, you can be sure, that´s me :) I´ll have my badge with me, so in case you recognize me, just come and say Hi, I´d be honoured Don´t be afraid, because I know I am xD Just kidding. If you want, I could answer questions, we could talk and have fun :D I´m soooo looking forward to it. Thanks again to Snoopy and Snow for being there with me. Thank you to the artists, who allowed me to use their beautiful artwork Thank YOU for supporting me (and for reading this long text xD) GalaCon 2016 will be amazing, I don´t doubt it :D
-Lupi ___
(If you´ve got questions, please let me know in the comments)"