
AS part 1 — It hurts…
by Keep-Yourself-Alive

Art slave request for :icongalaxy-trax:
Don't make me draw sad/suffering ponies too much cuz I always feel like it's my fault they're in pain ;~;

Its actually part of her story, in where when she comes back from taking care of her sick mother, when she goes back to work, the company got taken over by the flim-flam brothers and they begin using cruel practices and bad working conditions, forcing her to wear a bearing rein to make her look fancy and to keep her focused on working. They work her too hard and pay her less with her living quarters delapidating, during this time her mother has a relapse and gets fatally sick, but her cruel new boss's refuse her to go see her mother before she passes… And she is not permitted to go to the burial.
12 months after, she gets in a carrige accident and is pinned under the wheel of another taxi. (she doesn't die tho)


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