The Applejack half!The Whole ThingRainbow Dash HalfReferenced from Fall Weather Friends (S01E13) at 21:24Download the SVG here!Created in InkscapeNo credits necessary! If you do use this, I'd like to know where, but again, that's entirely optional.Because I've had some issues with art theft, please note, this does not include posting the art to your account without any modifications. You may not post this and claim it as your own if you do not modify it in some way (you don't have to modify the vector itself, just don't re-upload the original without anything else. Album covers, for example, are acceptable, even if it's just the vector and some text). Be original and add something to it if you want to post it on your account, otherwise, I ask that you link back here if you want to share it.
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