Emerald thinks that they managed to get back to the other side of the camp without getting seen by the Order members. The colt looks around and then darts in between two tents, pulling Ruby with him.
He asks if they saw her face.
"If they did, I doubt it was very clearly. I tried to be as fast and evasive as possible." Ruby replies.
Emerald pulls out his nice clothes and bycocket and asks Ruby to put them on. He then says that they are going to try to get back to Joyride's place if they can.
"Sounds good." Ruby says while putting the clothes on, "A little tight though. Hey, how do you know where Joyride set up camp?"
Emerald realizes that he doesn't know where it might be, or even if Joyride has set up any sort of camp yet. She might still be meeting with the people she mentioned earlier.
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