"Do you think that a unicorn controlling my mind would let me do that!? We just want to fucking leave!"
You feel a lump in your thought as your eyes tighten up. Before you know what's going on you start feeling tears running down your face. You try to hold them back to look more intimidating but it's clearly not working in the slightest.You give up and keep talking. "I've had a horrible week, you can't even imagine. I watched my mom die and my home burn. Then I was put in a shitty cage and carted off to some horrible place with more cages, and I thought I was going to be raped but but…"
The green pegasus is taken a little aback and begins opening her mouth, but you don't let her.
"No, I'm not done! I thought I was going to be some perverts personal fuck-toy but No! Things just had to get fucking worse! They put me in a dirty arena and told me to kill other ponies. They tried to turn me into some kind of monster, but I told myself I wouldn't let them! I've killed two ponies! I didn't want to… But they fucking made me! I'll be honest, I was happy when I saw your invasion, This was my way out! Now you want to take my unicorn! One of the few things I have left in this world! You want to take that away from me!? I don't know how you can call Me the barbarian when all I want is to leave this place and find a new home… It shouldn't be this hard to find something happy…"
You wipe the tears from your eyes still scowling at this green bitch that would stand between you and freedom. You hear Max call your name and misty figet uneasily behind you. The green mare looks a bit shock and isn't saying anything.
The yellow pegasus says, "We need to just take our wounded and leave."
The green pegasus responds, "Y-you're right."
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