Trixie Lulamoon is a good pony with bad luck and a strong propensity towards making awful decisions. At one point in the JG future, she gets it in her great and powerful noggin that being a pregnancy surrogate would be a swell way to make some extra money (and maybe even quit smoking!). So she teams up with a pegasus couple with deep pockets and probably excellent references, no need to check them, Trixie came here to lead, not to read!
All is going swimmingly for the Responsible and Maternal Trixie, until a few months into the pregnancy. Without warning, her meal tickets have a slam-bang fight, break up, and disappear without a trace. Suddenly Trixie is left bewildered, financially bereft and carrying the foal of people she'll never see again. Unfortunately, neither our devastated heroine nor her much-beloved girlfriend Maud are at all interested in raising a child. Things look greatly and powerfully bleak.
At the same time, family friends Derpy and Trissie are now a pair of empty nesters, happily married and enjoying their new grandbaby Sweet Pepper. Triss and Derp never got a chance to have a child as a couple…despite being still young and active in their forties, both are past foal-bearing age. When Trixie's unborn scion becomes an adoptive option, the gentle couple jump at the chance. Derpy and Trissie name their resulting son Forever Stamp…his mothers met in the mailroom, after all. :>
Sure, Twist and Dinky are kind of weirded out at first by the prospect of having a younger sibling two decades their junior, but they love and trust their mothers and easily warm up to the idea. Sweet Pepper (as she grows) enjoys the novelty of having an uncle who's slightly younger than herself, and affectionately refers to him as Uncle Forry. Of course, Forever Stamp is more of a cousin and buddy to Pepper, and along with Bee the three make up a fabulously feathersome nextgen trio.
In personality, Forry is a jovial clown and a born performer. With singer-actor-dancerism in his blood, he delights in the spontaneous creation of poems and songs with which to make his moms and friends laugh. He knows he's preposterously handsome and spends a lot of time and energy in the preening department, though his adoptive mothers' humble personalities didn't evade him completely…Forry's brand of humor tends to lean towards self-effacement.
It's hard to tell in this little pic, but his cutie mark (or studly mark, as asuraludu prefers for the masculine gender) is a postage stamp with an ice-blue Pizza Hut mint pictured on it. Also, as a kid he was a slow learner when it came to aerial matters (especially in comparison to flying ace Pepper and the surprisingly athletic Derpymom). He eventually gets the hang of it though.