"I bet you're all tuckered out and hungry, huh?" Silverwind asks, and Clover simply nods, too lazy to effectively pull her muzzle out of the bunch of soft, fluffy mane.
Clover asks what else she can do until tomorrow; pass the time, anything.
"Well, besides training you to use what you've learned today, we can probably explore the ship and look over the hold. If you want, we can even find one of the crew for you to talk to, or you can even explore on your own if you think it'd be fun.
Clover frowns in her new mane pillow, sighing. She gives a little apology for being so destructive with her magic. "Destructive? Pfft! You're an outright natural! I wouldn't be surprised if you picked up your cutiemark in Magic Archery if you keep up with it. And don't worry about it; there's lots of things you could have done to harm yourself. Weapons are dangerous. You can always hurt yourself. And that would have been a valuable lesson indeed. You need to be creative; there's many parts to magic, much more than you can understand. It comes from not only the world around us, but our very minds and hearts. I can't tell you every single thing you can and can't do with magic, only that experimenting can lead to surprising, or scary, results. But don't be afraid, lil' one."
He smiles, kicking open the door opposite of his chambers."You'll learn what's good for you and what isn't. Just remember; magic isn't a one way street. What you take must be paid for, and what you pay with determines the result. While soul magic is powerful, it will leave you nothing but a husk of yourself in the end."