"It's fine, I guess. Are you going to save me some, at least?"
Clover devours all of the soup! She gives her compliments to Skillet, who can only smile and scratch her head."Thanks, Clover! It's good to hear somepony give me something other than complaints and stupid requests." She coughs, saying "Saltlick" under her breath.
Clover bites down into the sweet apple, noting the crisp taste. She asks if it's possible to get a cutiemark in sleeping, since Fishy is so good at it.
"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised. Either he's asleep, or he's grumpy because he isn't asleep." Skillet ruffles Clover's head, smiling. "But I don't think you can do much with a sleeping cutie, huh? You should set your hopes higher. Maybe you should get a bed cutiemark~" She winks at Clover. She tilts her head, unsure.
"Nevermind. You'll get those jokes when you're older."
Clover asks if Skillet can teach her how to cook, that adults need to know how to take care of themselves.
"Eh? You wanna cook? I guess you can help in the kitchen tonight. Earth Ponies like us gotta know how to work our hooves, and from what I heard, you're learning some kinda archery. It'll probably help you in the long run."
Clover can train her stats by performing actions in the world. Reading books, crafting items, or fighting will give experience in their relevant trees. Cooking grants major dexterity experience and minor intelligence experience, for example. These stats will be tracked externally. Performing a profession related action will also increase Clover's ability with that profession, making future attempts more successful.
Clover finally gives the cook a tight hug, her soup covered snout rubbing against her fur. She warmly hugs back, happy to help.
"No hugs for me, huh?" Silverwind chuckles.
All crew members: Captain Silverwind. First Mate Sunny Shores. Quartermaster/Cook Skilled Skillet. Additional Crew (multiple jobs): Unicorns: Fishnet, Saltlick, Timbers. Earth Ponies: Hook, Silver Saber, False Flag, High Tide. Pegasi: Sea Wind and Sea Shanty.