"Scarlet… where are you Scarlet?" Sabre whimpers, bumping into another box. "Gods I miss you… Scarlet?"
Clover can't really see what's happening, but she can tell Sabre is opening one of the crates.
"Is that you, Scarlet? Oh… it's… no, Scarlet, you're there, I know you are!"
The bumping and shifting of boxes continues for several moments in silence. Finally, a sob breaks the quiet, a thump echoing through the dark chamber as Sabre falls to the floor.
"Scarlet, where are you? Gods, what happened? Scarlet…"
The broken pony continues to cry, Clover watching idly by.
The sobbing takes on a slightly different note, and Clover suddenly feels very uneasy being here. Something is nagging at the back of her mind, that maybe he's not just sad.
Clover also feels something off, like she's missing something, but can't tell. It's indistinguishable. (Failed!)