"Yeah, but you already look like you, so why would I want to look like you?" Pip says giggling, "I'd just look like her anyway. I wouldn't know how to cast spells like her or have her cloak or anything."
Emerald turns to Joyride and asks if he'll get a cloak like that someday.
"Yeah, sure… Someday…" Joyride says dismissively.
Emerald hops up and looks around for something to make a fire with. It isn't exactly cold at the moment, but it could become so later. He wanders tot he edge of the cave and peaks outside. There aren't any wasps, but he isn't going to tempt fate by going out.
Emerald plops back down next to Joyride and snuggles up to her. He starts to think about his parents and what he remembers, but it's all mostly a hazy fog. He wasn't very old when they died, and he only remembers brief snatches of their voices. As he reminisces he begins to fall asleep…
"Emerald, get up! Up!" Joyride says with a sharp whisper.
Emerald sits bolt upright and looks around.
Joyride is standing and staring at the entrance to the cave. Ruby isn't anywhere to be seen at first, but he spots her sitting a little ways back and hiding near the a cave wall.
There is a lot of buzzing and commotion coming from outside. Among the noise Emerald can hear voices. They are clearly speaking in pony, but Emerald can't make out what they are saying.
Inventory & Spells — http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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