Hope Shines Eternal (Rainbow Road Mix) Every Mario Kart players' favorite course, but a brutal nightmare because of no walls. YoshiGreenwater made vectors of the Super Ponied Up Humane 7 and Gaea Everfree. Each have their own items. I picked Hope Shines Eternal as my next EqG remix because of that scene where the girls transformed with the magical geodes and saved Camp Everfree.
Season 6 Episode 25 & 26 — To Where and Back Again
Battle At The Changeling Kingdom
I made a boss theme for Queen Chrysalis, and before you ask about it… YES, It's the returning remix of This Day Aria and it's gonna have two phases. The first phase is normal, but the second is much faster.
Twivine's Friendship The Centaur Queen (Lady Tirek Boss Theme 1)
I made a boss theme for Twivine Sparkle's powerful creature known as Lady Tirek. The first fight is where Delta Brony faces her in Ponyville.
Alicorn Crisis (Lady Tirek Boss Theme 2)
The second is an actual remix of the first phase. This plays when Twilight Sparkle and the princesses fight Lady Tirek in Canterlot.
Twivine's Battle (Lady Tirek Boss Theme 3) Another Lady Tirek boss theme that plays when Twivine Sparkle faces Lady Tirek in Ponyville.
Fall Head Over Lady Tirek (Lady Tirek Final Boss Theme)
This final boss theme will an ponified remix of Fall Head Over Heal from "Rad Mobile", one of my favorite SEGA racing games that I have ever played.
The Return of Everfree
It will consist of several Midnight Sparkle and Gaea Everfree boss themes that I might plan to make, if possible.