Emerald calls for the attack, and he and Loupe begin to start lobbing there potions out. Emearld tosses what sticky potions he has, and manages to strike a group of two zebra. The other potions shatters near the box, and the last one goes high and smashes into the wall. Loupe has just about as much luck. She aims for a nearest zebra and incases him full in foam.
Emerald and the rest charge in, but by this point the other zebras, including Dejen, see the attackers. Suddenly there is a smash and the room is filled high with smoke.
The Gas!
Emerald can't see anything in the growing mass, but does spot the flashes of spells or potions, and the din of combat.
End of Chapter 48!
Inventory & Spells — http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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