Emerald asks if there are other potions for body modification.
"Yes, there are lot's! Weight loss potions are pretty popular recently, but you have to be careful with those." Bunsen says with a laugh.
Emerald asks what is going to happen with the Red Stripe. There is obviously something going on there.
"I'm not sure yet, lil' buddy. It could be that the Red Stripe is in on the whole thing, or it could be that the slavers simply liked doing business at the bar. There will have to be an investigation." Bunsen says with a frown, thinking.
Emerald thanks the zebra for everything he has down so far, and gives the elderly stallion a hug.
"Ah, you are a good boy, you are." Bunsen says, rubbing Emerald on the head again.
Emerald stays mostly quiet at this point until they reach the temple. At this point it is early in the evening, and the University's gates have been shut up. The party has to wait a few minutes until they can get a guard's attention, and the doors are opened and they are let inside. It didn't occur to Emerald at the time, but the whole complex is very much like a fortress.
Everyone is directed into the worship hall, and blankets are distributed out. Some of the zebras, now minus there armor, come from the back room with a large pot and begin throwing vegetables and water into it, heating it with some sort of fire potion beneath the huge cook wear. This is all fine and good by most of the ponies in attendance, as no one looks ready to sleep save for Joyride, who is knocked out nearby.
Inventory & Spells — http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
Fan Wiki- http://coltquest.wikidot.com/
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"Yes, there are lot's! Weight loss potions are pretty popular recently, but you have to be careful with those." Bunsen says with a laugh.
Emerald asks what is going to happen with the Red Stripe. There is obviously something going on there.
"I'm not sure yet, lil' buddy. It could be that the Red Stripe is in on the whole thing, or it could be that the slavers simply liked doing business at the bar. There will have to be an investigation." Bunsen says with a frown, thinking.
Emerald thanks the zebra for everything he has down so far, and gives the elderly stallion a hug.
"Ah, you are a good boy, you are." Bunsen says, rubbing Emerald on the head again.
Emerald stays mostly quiet at this point until they reach the temple. At this point it is early in the evening, and the University's gates have been shut up. The party has to wait a few minutes until they can get a guard's attention, and the doors are opened and they are let inside. It didn't occur to Emerald at the time, but the whole complex is very much like a fortress.
Everyone is directed into the worship hall, and blankets are distributed out. Some of the zebras, now minus there armor, come from the back room with a large pot and begin throwing vegetables and water into it, heating it with some sort of fire potion beneath the huge cook wear. This is all fine and good by most of the ponies in attendance, as no one looks ready to sleep save for Joyride, who is knocked out nearby.
Inventory & Spells — http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
Fan Wiki- http://coltquest.wikidot.com/
Be sure to visit FicFic’s Patreon and support him for his hard work:
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