The last of Maple Station's five native Tank Ghouls, Sensha and her Type 2 Ka-Mi. Much like Rangefinder, when the bombs fell, the unfortunate young Zony did not find shelter inside the odd amphibious tank, instead having holed up inside an old drainage pipe with her Equestrian Zebra father and Pony mother. Some years after the mushrooms had dissipated and the world had begun to find itself again, Sensha stumbled across the Neighpon-designed tank, and after encountering and befriending Caution Tape and Deathtrap made her way to Maple Station, contributing what little yet effective firepower her tank could to the town. While it's rare that she uses her tank's amphibious capabilities nowadays, she has put them to use in the past when running packages or providing lifts to the odd traveler between Maple Station and Hopeville was necessary, allowing her to cut straight across the Vanhoover Reservoir.
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