I decided to take a crack at the art style of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and draw the original Ponies and Megan from Firefly’s Adventure (Or Escape from Midnight Castle, whichever you prefer). I left Applejack out because she’s already in the FiM cast.
I always liked Megan's outfit from the pilot of the original My Little Pony show, so I made it here. I think I might need to reference some Foster's art to get the style right though. Also, her legs are long. I know. :/
From left to right: Medley, Firefly, Megan, Bubbles, Bowtie, Moondancer, and Ember. I’m probably going to make this picture a little bit bigger and add Twilight.
It was actually a bit of a challenge drawing these ponies, as I suck at drawing ponies in general. The FiM style may seem simple but it’s tough to get into. However, it was fun drawing Megan in the FiM style, even if there aren’t any humans on that show.
I might add more, but this was just a sketch I made while I was watching MLP: FiM and working on my NaNoWriMo novel. :) Also, I think I may have made my husband into a brony. He saw me working on this sketch and asked to make us into ponies. He insisted on being drawn as a pegasus. Oh jeez. I’m actually excited. lol.
btw I know some folks have already done this, but I really wanted to draw the original ponies from the pilot episode in FiM style. I have always loved My Little Pony, and while I'm happy so many people are liking MLP now because of FiM, it kind of makes me angry at how many "bronies" brush off the awesomeness that was "G1." BRONIES: Y U NO RESPECT UR ELDERS???