
As if the sentence has ended on this very day and as if all the laws that kept her bound broke like rusty chains, young filly that never was walked towards the light with confidence and ease she never expected nor experienced in her so called life. Each step she took not only brought her closer to the bright light and pleasant warmth but also changed something inside her. Each step made her chest lift as air entered the lungs as never before, each step made her heart beat with the force of a sledge hammer shaking her ribcage. All of those sensations however have been outshined by her walk. With each step her limping decreased, her head rose higher, her eyes saw better and her nostrils caught a scent of fresh air and grass. Her skin picked up the warm touch of summer sun as she got closer to the light, all of her senses the have been numbed and defect throughout all those years now kicked in and filled her heart with joy. She blinked for the first time and felt her mane flowing in the wind and her tail swaying back and forth as she walked. With the last step that took her out of the darkness she felt her flank being decorated not with torn skin but with an actual cutie mark — a butterfly playfully avoiding a lasso, symbol of chasing dreams. Her coat changed in appearance and resembled that of someone who should have been close to her but never gave her chance.
Filled with wonder and excitation she entered a vast clearing under a bright summer sky with last sounds of breaking glass falling behind her into the void and letting her be. She spoke more to herself than to anypony else in a soft and warm voice:

"I am Anathema and I shall live at last"

As if to confirm her statement a warm voice from long ago, a voice that has been her only companion for many years whispered in her ear:

"When you finally die you will go straight to heaven because you have already served your time in hell."


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