
With some inspiration and encouragement from the creator of Mega Pony, Khao Mortadios, I have decided to undertake my own journey into the world of pixel art. It took some doing and a little research into the original Proto Man and his story before I finally came to the realization that, while Mega Pony was a good idea in concept and execution, there was a nagging question in my mind. Where would Khao go next if he did go one with the series after the last update to the game? Then it hit me, why not introduce a Pony based on Proto Man and let the dynamic between the brothers 'write itself'.

So here he is, my rendition of what Proto Pony's mug shot would look like. He is an 'Earth Pony' clad in a yellow scarf and red and grey armor. His Cutiemark would be his signiture shield, which can materialze on one of his hooves for defense at any time. His other option when it comes to combat is the Proto Buster, which likewise can appear on one of his hooves, or both depending on the situation. Like his younger brother, he has a variable weapon system, though it is less advanced. While he could have access to a similar range of weapons as Mega Pony, the ammo consumption is a bit higher than normal. For example, Mega Pony could use The Stare a total of four times without weapon refils, Proto would only be able to use it three times.

In addition to his Ammo troubles, his armor is slightly weaker than Mega Pony's. He takes 50% more damage from projectiles and a 33% more from collision, making the use of his projectile reflecting shield paramount to his survival. However, his shield isn't invulnerable and can break if struck with armor pirceing rounds or collission with enemies. Should it break, it can be reformed after a brief period. If an armor pirceing projectile hits Proto Pony after hitting the shield, he takes half damage.

Note: This is how I envisioned Proto Pony to be. How Khao would do him and how I do him are two entirely different things. What he does with his Proto Pony in his sequal is his own business.


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