Princess doggies!I’m not entirely sold on Celestia’s design… I did wanna make her pink because…well she technically IS pink, just very very bright… Since drawing this I made her design a bit brighter, but I can't really go back and change it here without ruining the rest of the picture so you get pink wolf Princess for now.
Luna I like though. I pretty much just made her cutie mark cover her body making her a very spotty wolf. She reminds me of my old hamster who was an overmarked dominant spot (also known as “dalmatian hamster” except she was more black than white)I kind of like the idea that in the Alternate Universe of “My Little Wolf” Luna was always the more popular Princess leading to Celestia trying to take over and make an everlasting day, which lead to her being locked up in the sun and Luna ruling alone for a thousand years. Wolves may not be strictly nocturnal but still…