
Astral Mythos

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male/Colt

Special Talent: Creating and Imagining Stories

Location: Ponyville (current), Manehatten (formerly)

Backstory: Grew up in Manehatten Astral aims to become a fantastic story writer for young foals. He has many ideas for stories that are unbelievably amazing but others don’t see them as good and often mocks him for it. Determined to show that his stories can be as good Astral sets off across Equestria to show his amazing ideas however most towns also have the same opinion and turns him down. He eventually settles down in a small town called Ponyville there he meets Princess Twilight who finds his ideas fascinating and enjoyable soon with Twilight’s help Astral published his first book which became a huge success that it even starts selling all over Equestria. Despite gaining various offers from other companies Astral Mythos continues working on his own in Ponyville finally feeling he found a place he truly belongs.


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