
I only work with the finest materials, dear. And… your destiny? Oh, your destiny is fine indeed.

Rarity didn't remember much of the moment she got lost in the museum, apart from finding an old torn rag in an unmarked box lost somewhere in the basement.
She remembered even less of what happened after she touched the ragged thing.
But when she awoke from her trance,three days later and standing alone in piles of cloth and supplies littering the room as if a bomb had gone off in the middle of her workshop, she found that she didn't need to remember anything.
For what was once a torn, dusty brown rag, was now an exquisitely restored artifact.
A loop of cloth in which she could see the entire lives of untold millions, dancing to the tune of the golden filigree she had sewn within.

And as the artist she was, she knew she could adjust whatever detail she wanted.

Ten legendary weapons 3/10: Rarity: The Tapestry of Fates.


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