As far as you can tell, he barely registers your presence. Which isn't so bad, considering you just faceplanted in front of him.
Anon asked:Sit down next to him and ask him what's wrong.
Even when you scoot on over to him from your position on the floor, he just keeps staring at the thing in his hoof.
Anon asked:Please, please calm down Sierra. You don't want to hurt yourself! Ask him how he's doing, and ask him what happened. You've had a lot of black outs, the picture needs to be filled in completely.
Your face is still probably okay. It's not the best face, but it does its job okay, no matter what those other ponies say! You don't need their make up or their fancy schmancy creams or thei-
Er, you lost your train of though there.
The stallion is staring at something gold and shiny, you can't quite make it out, but he seems quite into whatever it is.