Born to Silly


This is an idea I thought up while working on the other projects. Fluttershy has been underwater with Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and the Cuite Mark Crusaders, and those three girls couldn't hold their breath like Fluttershy can. So I figured to do one with Twilight Sparkle, except to have Fluttershy explain how she does it.

Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle were walking on the beach one day until the pegasus spoke up.

"Twilight. I have been playing around with the others on going underwater for some fun, yet none of them seem to hold their breath like I do"

"Really?," Twilight said, "Why's that?"

"Oh, I got an extra special skill that no-pony has ever achieve. To be underwater without the use of spells or holding a single breath to go under."

"What? That's crazy! You could've drown yourself when doing that."

"Don't worry. I'm always fine when resurfacing. And I've been doing it so much that I'm able to keep a single drop of water from entering my lungs."

"That makes no sense."

"Not unless I show you."

Then, Fluttershy walked to the ocean and swam out in the open. "Well, come on. I can teach you how I do it. I taught the others how too." Twilight felt uneasy and nervous when entering the water. As the alicorn came to where the pegasus is, the two keep themselves afloat for a bit.

"Now," Fluttershy said, "we're not to far from the beach and there's only about 4 feet of ocean water here. This will be the perfect spot so as not to go out too far."

Twilight was still worried. "Are you sure about this? I hate to disappoint you if I can't do it."

"Nonsense. Just do what I do and you'll be fine. First, take as many breathes as you can before submerging."

Fluttershy made very slow breathes, Twilight followed her moves. Fluttershy then breathed faster and faster, yet Twilight had a hard time keeping up.

"Hold on," Twilight said, trying to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?," Fluttershy asked. "I'm good," Twilight replied. "Okay, just follow my lead," said Fluttershy.

The two continued taking breathes. Going very slowing, then speeding up until, "Now dive in," Fluttershy quickly said, then held one huge breath. Twilight did the same and the two dove in the water.

Fluttershy and Twilight vectors by :iconcyanlightning:

Made in Photoshop.


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