Wave Rider wriggled underneath Stormy's arm. At first she'd declined his offer to relax down in the grass, but then she'd seen her father lay down to cuddle the brat-giving away the affection that rightfully belonged to Wavey. Finn, her dumb, flightless, utterly boring baby brother, turned and gazed at her.
Wavey narrowed her eyes. Listen here, ya squishy little bastard, she said silently, through her glare. This here is my Papa! Mine! And no pacifier-suckin' little chubmuffin is gonna steal him from me, you hear? Them big blue eyes don't fool me, I know what you're after. They say I gotta be nice to you, 'cause you're my baby brother, but be that as it may, I will not hesitate to fack your whole world up if you cross me. Understood?
Finnie smiled crookedly and cooed, then reached over and grabbed his sister's snout with a pudgy fist. "Bah." He gurgled.
It was a heinously cute display, but Wavey refused to be intimidated. You cheeky wanker, she thought. You think you can just-"
Finnie pulled out his pacifier, then clumsily grasped a few strands of Wavey's hair. He pulled them into his mouth to chew, watching her with wide, thoughtful eyes. A bit of drool dripped into Wavey's hair.
With a contented sigh, Stormy snuggled both his children closer. His babies were so perfect and pure…so sweet and innocent.
….I'm going to destroy you. Wave thought. I may not be allowed to punt you like a hoofball, but…b-but you just wait, Squishy. There'll come a time when you can't find your pacifier, and you'll crawl on your knees to me and blubber for me to find it, and just see if I help ya then! You wanna go to war, mate? Let's fackin' go to war!
anthro again, plus lazy backgrooound
when Wave Rider is around seven years old, Bruce and Stormy, decide to have another baby (again, through Pandora's magical assistance, although this time it's Stormy who is temporarily turned female for this purpose). At first Wave was super excited to be becoming a big sister, buuuuut then her baby brother arrived, and he was mostly really boring. Soft and squishy, unable to fly or even walk or talk. She couldn't even take him surfing! He just sat around all day, and he could be loud and smelly sometimes, and the worst part was how her dads would constantly coo over the brat as though he was the most precious thing ever (no, she wasn't jealous, hmph!)
buuuut sometimes baby Finn would smile at Wavey, or gurgle happily and want to cuddle with her, and her dads insisted that her little brother loved her, sooo despite her better judgement, she graciously allowed the pudgy loaf to stay and fell in love with her "Squishy"