Ta Daa! I have made a Vector of my friend 's pony OC for his birthday! And I am hoping so much that he will like it…This is Talon, His OC: [link] . I took some time to make…Had a fun time drawing him, starting with the Cutie Mark you can find here: [link] Going to what took the most: His Mane. It was prety weird to make, alright. I hope it finally ended up fine.So with this I say: Happy birthday pal! Here you have a proper Talon Vector which carries my best wishes. And I do hope you keep the awesome deviations coming for more time!Now we have vectors for Talon and Swirl I think we could change the images here: [link] so they have just one character… (At least in MY case…) I do believe DragonShade has better vector of herself as well. You could try look for it. Aaaanywho: Enjoy your OC vector dude! Never stop being awesome!- FenrirUpdated: I have added Highlights to the eyes. Seems like I missed them before… This does look better alright. Besides, this helped me learn a new trick for the highlights that makes the thing… Easier. Yes, I am experimenting with my friend's gift. How awful am I?
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