Since today is 's birthday, I thought it'd be nice to give her a little birthday gift depicting two of her OTPs, FlashShimmer and Brickercup respectively, getting married in a sort of "Double-Wedding" style For Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer, their wedding's a little tad traditional. With Bridal up-do hair, Groom's finest tux, and then sharing a sweet kiss as they say their "I Do's". Sweet huh? :3For Brick and Buttercup…eh, their's is a bit more "unconventional" . Buttercup wearing a somewhat torn white wedding dress and veil, with her own punk gloves and skull tiara to match…and Brick sporting his signature hat AND had the sleeves torn off from his tux (to show off his muscular arms). Those crazy kids So yeah, not much else to say here…except I wish a Happy Birthday and I hope she enjoys this gift ——————-Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer belong to and HasbroBrick and Buttercup belong to
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