
So "part 2" for my the "Dancers To A Discordant System" picture.I don't have much to say about the picture. I have been little down lately, nothing serious I have been pretty much just thinking if it's okay from me just stop trying to be so social. Eh, I think I may have been little dishonest with myself. You know, fuck it, I will just stop playing social and trying be humble artist and concentrate on getting better and actually making this hobby worth the time. Well what ever right? Lot of you people are here to see some pony art, so there is no chance there. Pony art will continue! And some human art too! Maybe some Jojo. MAYBE I WILL ACTUALLY DO SOME ORIGINAL ART!?!?! Holy fuck maybe I could do some original stuff again Oh right, continuing with Messugah theme, the name is from the band Messugah, since I'm lazy fuck who doesn't come up with names.


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